Photo Galleries

Welcome to YBe by Jenny Lyn Walker 

Award winning NZ Fashion Designer, Jenny Lyn Walker provides unique one off custom design garments. Wearable art merged into Fashion, sculptural pieces that can be displayed as artwork. From individual made to fit to ready to wear, whatever budget, occasion or body shape, we also have a styling and expression service at your fingertips so book your consultation now or visit our gallery.

At Y Be Fashion Design Gallery, conceptual designs are stylish works of superior quality inspired by Art, Culture & Nature combined with an appreciation of beauty and form. Jenny has a background in Art, Languages, Teaching, and Fashion Design. Jenny has the talent to merge her inspirations into unique, individual and stylish fashion.

Entries by Jenny Walker (52)


YBe t-shirts here!!!

Jenny has created a YBe t-shirt design for The Point which ties in with the Y Be philosophy on the questions about life. "What's the point? at the Point!" Point Chevalier, Aotearoa. 

Green for girls (nice fitted shape tee) & Blue for guys, Y Be colours!

$30.00 each ORDER HERE and look at SIZING CHART.


Get in quick, limited numbers and selling fast! :)



While the cats away! Oh and Jackie.

Jenny is in Japan, actually in Kyoto she is loving seeing friends and is off shopping tomorrow. Jenny is returning on 13th Nov with new energy and loads of Japanese fabrics, Yay! 

So what's happening here while Jenny in soaking up the culture in Japan.... 

Tracey is a Auro-soma colour consultant visiting YBe on Wednesday 4th and 13th of November. Come and visit Tracey find out more. 

Clara our work experience student from NZ Fashion Tech has played with the window design for a summer look! Look at summer skirts here. 

Treasure Hunt is on Sunday 8th 1-4pm finishing at Coyle Reserve (Park near YBe) and Jan has surprise treats to share (ssssh). 

Thanks to Amanda, Sue, Chris, Elizabeth, Jan, Clara and Tracey for your generous time in the shop.

Hope you are all enjoyable spring! 

Bye for now, Danni ;o)


First birthday party! 

PHOTO GALLERY Take a look! Click the picture here ;o)



"You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you” – James Allen

Party month so come and visit!

Birthday decorations and balloons this month. Come try on an Obi-panel or summer skirt. We are loving the sunshine in Point Chev and you can too!