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The Perfumes

The  use  of  WHOLE  Essential  Oils   …  i.e:

There are NO Components of Essential Oils in my Perfumes … WHOLENESS makes a huge difference.


“Nature’s WHOLENESS nurtures Your WHOLE Being.”


Aromatherapists refer to the Essential Oil, the Essence of the Plant, as the SOUL of the PLANT. To me, my PERFUMERY Collections are SACRED SCENTS, LIVING PERFUMES, that Bless us with their Grace and Life-giving Aromas.


“The  HARMONY  of  Nature  helps  You  to  Be

in  tune  with  Your  HARMONY  Within.”


**My PERFUMES are referred to as TRANSFORMATIONAL AROMAS            … through Your sense of smell, they help You to connect with Your   HARMONY Within … and thus  Your  Higher Self, Your True Self,  the Self You were Born to Be.


We are each on our own Individual Journey …  parallel to the Collective Journey  of Us All, together, as Citizens and Custodians of Planet  Earth, this period of time. 

Everybody and Everything is a  Precious Part of ONE intricate  Precious  WHOLE.


My  4  Perfumery COLLECTIONS embrace this.

**There is a CHAIR by my PERFUMERY TABLE … remember to sit, sample the Aromas, enjoy, be soothed and for a quality moment Simply BE …  Centred in Your HARMONY Within.


As you step forth into daily life again may you hear the SONG of JOY,  which is always Within you.

Linda Lucy Haines


*Exclusive to YBe,  506 Pt Chevalier Rd, AK, NZ:  Ph. 09 845 2371