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Truth of Who We Are...

.....Truth, light and love in every step along the way.

Reawakening, rediscovering, remembering who You are is key in this life.

The innocence we knew as children gives us a glimpse of who we really are. The journey through our lives is a process to finding ourselves again. It is about remembrance of who and what we are and who and what we want to be. Life is giving us experience after experience helping us to gain more insight, truth and knowledge into that remembrance of ourselves. Our individual spirit, heart and soul… takes the journey from childhood to teen to adult hood to fully understand ourselves and re find, remember and re discover who we are. We are also challenged to help others, to remind them who they are. This is why so much of what we experience is reflected in those we know. In order that we can see, understand and in turn help them. Finding who we are and living our lives in accordance with that truth is the ultimate reason for being here. Once we truly find ourselves in our own lives and are prepared to honour ourselves and experiences as part of who we are, then the living is exciting. We can be more and more fulfilled. We also want our children to remain in or return to this innocence, truth and love so let’s guide them from NOW.

We are all in this life together and so are connected and so need to help each other, guide and lean on each other for support through the process. Re listen to the song “Lean on me”. It says this well. Just remember further than this, we can all grow into ourselves and once we are operating fully at this level of BEING ourselves and BEING, the more we live in our truth, light and love, and the more our lives will resonate with that. We are creators of our own realities in our own worlds… conceive, create, experience… and each experience shows us more about who and what we want to be. We have to see the ‘what we don’t want to be’, in order to remember what it is we ‘want to be’. This is the journey in remembrance of our TRUE selves and TRUE purpose. - Jenny Lyn Walker.

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