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It’s amazing how much a clean space makes things much clearer. By eradicating clutter, just keeping what fits & what you need, this organization of objects helps to order the clutter in our heads. With an ordered space, it becomes easier to recognize what is important & what has the most priority. Above all, it seems to just give a little space to breathe…

Think about the things that you are a little stuck in "getting to doing" what are the things that are seeming to stop you from just "getting on with it?" Are they organisation based, location based, surroundings based? Is there anything you can move arround or rearrange to declutter, make it a more comfortable environment, easier to work around space or any other phsyical challenges in your way that you can just shift a bit so that they clear the way to "get on with it?"

Sit and be still and quiet and pause... how is it you are feeling about the "stuck" things... would you be happier if you had them sorted and done and ticked off ... what are some easy steps you can take now to start on the track of fixing or clearing the blockage... get comfortable and tidy first and foremost and then you can sort through the rest of what needs to be done with less confusion and clearing that clutter clears your head and your heart space to be able to do what you would like to get done...  have you made lists of what you want to get done? Maybe the first on the list could be to organise to gain some sort of order to then approach each task diligently and focused and have a system to go forward with so that as you are doing, tidying and organising as you go whilst setting up the path to follow from here on out...

Get the jobs done that have been playing on your mind and anything left over from last year! Sense of accomplishment and job well done always help to motivate towards the next set of things ... start with one, tick it off and carry on!

Be happy with gettings things the way you would like them to be and congratulate yourself for putting in an extra few hours to get things up to shape. Share with others what has worked well for you and lets get everyone off to a great start for the year! Encouragement, support and help go a long way for each of us to get on the right track and to be able to get things going smoothly and with the flow. NEW Year! NEW You! NEW Flow! NEW Constructive Habits! Changes are a part of life and embracing them helps the flow continue...clear out of the old and in with the new or revamping of the old to something new are all part of the process of life... celebrate that... and first and foremost CHERISH Yourself and everything that You Are and ENJOY Yourself and everything that You Do!

Have a wonderful Year!!

Jenny Lyn Walker.

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